New Banner!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 15, 2009 by confupenguen

Hey, me and Leggofmyeggo just made a Planet Cazmo Banner(it is currently on the right side of my site if you scroll down.) If you click on it, it brings you to the Planet Cazmo Web Site, so if you don’t have a cazmo, go ahead and make one through the banner. Also, tell us if the link doesn’t work if you click on it, because it didn’t work for us, so thanks, hope you like it!

Mimo Planet Cazmo Party!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 12, 2009 by confupenguen

Mimo had an awesome party on planet cazmo at the new basketball court! It was really fun. I also saw a MODERATOR there, it was awesome. i got some pictures of him saying stuff to me and everything! And if you didn’t know, i don’t think you can add mods, because i asked him if he could add me and he said that they kept their lists empty or someting so it was fair to everyone.


New Basketball Court and NBA Store!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 10, 2009 by confupenguen

Hey guys, Planet cazmo now lets you buy NBA stuff to put in you house and to wear! I heard that there is also a basketball court, you better all check it out!


How to Get Badges!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 10, 2009 by confupenguen

Noob = A Cazmo for 0 – 14 days
Playa = A Cazmo for 2 – 6 weeks
Rocker = A Cazmo for 6 weeks – 1 year
Superstar = A Cazmo for more than 1 year.
Ambassador = For being an Ambassador

CPC = For Completing the Jeff and Torgo Mission.

Cazmo Cadet = For being a Cazmo Cadet.


Nonmember Vehicle!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 9, 2009 by confupenguen

Hey, if you go to the Vehicles Shop, there is a new Nonmember vehicle that all planet cazmoers can buy! It is 5000 coins, but if you follow my money guide(under pages) then it should only take like a couple hours) Also, you can drive it if you go to the track or the strip! so have fun in your new cars if you get one!


Pages On My Site!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 9, 2009 by confupenguen

Okay, on the right side of my site right under the hits is My Pages. They have How to get Money fast — and —- How to get Cazmo Cash— so if you ever don’t know how to find them, just click on them under Pages! 😀

How to get Cazmo Cash(#2 is for free)

Posted in Uncategorized on April 9, 2009 by confupenguen

Okay there are 3 ways to get cazmo cash.

1. When you log onto planet cazmo, then you should see a money sign at the bottum of the planet cazmo screen.—- click on it. It will bring up a picture that shows how much money it is to buy cazmo cash. Click on whichever one you want to do.


2. another way to get them for FREE is to do the folowing. go to the front page of the planet cazmo website. (  Then click on the refer a friend button. It will bring you to a place where you have to log in. Type in your name and password. It will then bring you to a page where there are 4 blanks for emails. All you have to do is find a friend that doens’t have a planet cazmo account and put their email in. Then just click on one of the 3 email responces that you want to send them and push send. Over the next few days just log into that same place and it will say if the have made it yet or “email sent” still. If they create one, then you get 50 Cazmo Cash FREE and 200 coins FREE.




3. Anoter way to get 100 cazmo cash every month as an allowance from planet cazmo, you can become a member. So #2 is the best way if you can’t become a member, but if you can, try it, the rewards are great. An example is that you can get pets, 50% discounts on things in the stores(i believe it is 50%), and you can buy a lof of other stuff that non members can’t.


Have Fun With Cazmo Cash!

How to get money Fast!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 9, 2009 by confupenguen

Okay, for all of us new planet cazmoers that want to know how to get money the easy way, heres a guide. All you have to do is click on the Games controller icon on the bottum of the screen by the compas icon.  Then click on the Game called Phrux’s Goalie Showdown.


The first part that you need to know about the game is that you only get 5 soccer balls. If you  hit it out of the goal area and miss, then you lose a life. If the goalie blocks it, then you also lose a life.  Also, you can lose a life if you don’t wait until the blue color has filled the arrow all the way. The more blue that is filling the arrow, the faster you will hit it. The BEST technique that I came up with is to just keep hitting the ball into the left corner of the goal everytime the arrow is filled with blue. Here’s a picture of what i mean. just click to kick the ball.


Have fun getting easy money!

New Stuff!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 8, 2009 by confupenguen

Hey, Planet Cazmo is having this new game where there are five questions and you have to put the percentage of what you think the others voted on. its hard to explain, but easy to play! there is also a high scores list that you can get on if you have one of the top 5 scores. They are also coming out with NBA stuff for Planet Cazmo!


Planet Cazmo Rocks!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 8, 2009 by confupenguen

Can’t wait to get this site going, i am an experienced blogger:D